Webinar – OHS Interventions and Research Tailored to Vulnerable AFF Workers

Webinar – OHS Interventions and Research Tailored to Vulnerable AFF Workers

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing (AFF) represent some of the most dangerous modern industries. Occupational hazards can be exacerbated when the workforce is comprised of relatively high proportions of vulnerable worker populations. This webinar will explore some of the unique safety and health challenges amongst youth, migrant, English as a Second Language, low socioeconomic status and temporary workers face in the AFF industries. We will then discuss a selection of effective research interventions specifically targeting these groups from 2000-2014 and their application more broadly. These 35 interventions focused entirely on the agriculture industry. The types of interventions evaluated, vulnerable populations targeted, and evaluation methods will be described. Finally, we will describe practical approaches for current safety and health professionals to develop, implement and evaluate their own interventions.