CIHs, CAIHs, and CSPs — It’s Time to Take ACTION!
EARN ABIH CM Points and/or BCSP Recertification Points!
The Action Level, a self-study, continuing education program within the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (JOEH), provides a convenient and interesting opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge in relevant areas of industrial hygiene, as well as occupational and environmental safety and health. The program is approved by both the Global EHS Credentialing®, and the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, which award Certification Maintenance (CM) points and recertification points, respectively, for successful participation.
Participants must read each issue of the Journal, answer The Action Level questions, and return the completed answer sheet at the end of that issue’s The Action Level column. To earn the designated credit, an average score of 70 percent or better is required within a 12-month period. Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Associate Industrial Hygienists may earn up to 12 contact hours per year. Certified Safety Professionals may earn up to 3.6 BCSP recertification points per year.
Credit is awarded only four times each year—in March, June, September, and December—to participants who score an average of 70 percent or better within each three-month quarter. To earn credit in any quarter, participants must satisfactorily complete answer sheets for all three months of that quarter.
The program is based on a calendar year and subscriptions running from January 1 to December 31 are available to participate in The Action Level program. New participants in the program can enroll at any time, but their enrollment fees will be prorated by the number of quarters they are eligible to participate.
To enroll, click here. The cost is complimentary to ACGIH subscribers; $205 for AIHA members (includes subscription); and $249 for non-subscribers for one calendar year running January 1 to December 31. Prorations are available for new participants who purchase after January 31. Non-subscribers are encouraged to become subscribers to take advantage of the subscriber discount. For more information regarding ACGIH subscriptions, call 513-742-2020, or enroll online.
This continuing education program fee is separate from the Journal subscription cost. The fee covers administration costs, and is nonrefundable.
Answers must be received by the date listed at the end of each quiz.
2025 RATES:
Complimentary to ACGIH Subscribers
AIHA Members: $205/year (includes ACGIH membership)
Non-Subscribers: $249/year (JOEH subscription not included)
Current Quiz
Current subscribers can take the quiz now! (Note: When accessing the quizzes, you will need to log into the learning management system.